4-week TEFL Course Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
TESOL Certificate course plus Vietnamese
Important Information
Please note that the first 9 days of academic training will take place in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), trainees will then go to Ho Chi Minh City for language training and teaching practice.
Accommodation booked through the school (see below) also covers your accommodation in Phnom Penh as well as Ho Chi Minh City. It also includes your travel to Ho Chi Minh City.
You should plan to arrive in Phnom Penh for the beginning of your course.
The school believes in contributing to the host country, while preparing teachers to live and work in their new environment. To accomplish this, the course includes 30 hours of Vietnamese language and cultural orientation , 20-30 hours of supervised teaching practice in a local community programm, and an optional (but highly recommended) Vietnam excursion program.
Course Details
Course ref. |
2938 |
Course Type |
4-week TEFL Course or equivalent |
Min Age |
20 |
Maximum Class Size |
16 |
Class Times |
First week classes run from 9 AM to 5:45 PM Second through Fourth week classes run from 9AM to 4PM with two hour Teaching Practice in the late afternoon or evening.
Customer Feedback
The course was good and found the live teaching practice to be invaluable as it has given me the experience and confidence to teach English in a foreign country.
Paul Holland
Course Description
The Vietnamese Language and Cultural Awareness program is designed to accomplish four goals.
* to give you the local language skills necessary for daily life
* to put you back in the learners' seat, and re-acquaint you with the struggle your students will be having with acquiring English.
* to let you be part of the learning process. We use the same techniques and styles to teach your class that we will be teaching you to teach English. This allows you a first hand experience with the techniques and tools that you will be learning in class.
* to give you a major cultural overview and orientation to customs in Vietnam. Learning what's polite and acceptable in a new culture goes a long way to help you fit in, and just making the effort is generally very much appreciated.
Week one
Your time will be divided between Vietnamese language training and academics. The day starts at 9AM with Vietnamese class for two hours. The remaining six hours focus on academics, consisting of three two hour class sessions. Classes initially focus on the skills needed to begin teaching your own class. Actual teaching practice begins week two.
Week two
The schedule changes to accommodate Teaching Practice. Days start with Vietnamese class but academics drop to four hours a day, to make time for Teaching. Staff trainers will come to observe your teaching style and advise you on ways to improve.
Week three/four
The schedule remains the same, the day starting with Vietnamese class, followed by four hours of academic inputs and two hours of Teaching Practice. By the conclusion of the program, your will have had thirty hours of Vietnamese classes, at least twenty hours of Teaching Practice, and ninety hours of Academic training, for a total of 140 hours of TESOL training in addition to community language practice and your Vietnam expeditions.
Classroom subject areas include:
* Language Acquisition - Principles & History
* Classroom Preparation and Introduction
* Presenting New Language
* the Organization of Language Practice
* Increasing Vocabulary
* Listening Skills
* Active Communication
* Lesson Planning
* Classroom Management
* Student Centered Teaching
* Grammar
* Job Development & School Relations
* Phonetics
* Teaching Reading & Writing
* Early Childhood Development
* Techniques for Teaching Young Learners
* Teaching 0ne to One
* Overview of Business English
* Textbook Selection & Use, and
* Language Assessment & Evaluation.
Teaching Practice allows you to develop your skills while making a meaningful contribution to the local community. Our number of practice teaching hours is high and the students you will be teaching are the same group of students during your entire Practice Teaching. The value of this (in addition to helping the community) is that it is a real teaching situation, and allows you to plan from class to class, based on student progress and need, just like in any other real teaching position. During your teaching practice, training staff will be coming by at least once a week to observe and give feedback.
Well, after your four-week program, you will know significantly more about techniques of teaching English, as well as having had a good review of English grammar and usage.
Additionally you will have completed 30 hours of Vietnamese, which should be sufficient to get you started to give you the basic structure to grow your own language development from there.
Additionally you will have your TESOL Certificate, verifying in writing the contents of your 140 TESOL course AND you will have the experience of 20 to 30 full teaching class hours and a letter of recommendation from your volunteer location.
The program encourages trainees to participate in as many of the travel options as possible. All excursions take place during the four week course and include:
1) Vung Tau Beach: Relax on the white sand beach at Vung Tau. These is great seafood on the beach, as well as a variety of aquatics sports available.
2) Ho Chi Minh City: The second weekend is spent exploring the sites in the city, including historic buildings and ending up at the zoo.
3) Mekong Delta: We start of by riding boats around the rivers and canals that make up this water crossed part of Vietnam. We spend a great night in a 3 star hotel before continuing our boat trip into the delta, visiting the floating market
4) Nha Trang: Come to one of the best beaches in Vietnam. Great seafood, jungle waterfalls and lots of adventure are in store, or just chill out on the beach with a book.
5) Angkor Wat, Cambodia: Angkor Wat is famous not only for providing great movie settings but for being one of the most significant spiritual locations in the world. Temples that date back over a thousand years provide a great setting for exploration.
Accommodation Options
The school can arrange accommodation for you and there are lots of options to choose from.
There are a number of small boutique hotels and hostels located near the school.
Your accommodation will be in a private room, with air conditioning, hot and cold water and a Western-style bathroom. Accommodation fees for the 4 weeks is approximately $400.00 USD.
Please let us know in advance if you would like assistance with accommodation.
Please note that students will pay for accommodation locally on arrival.
School Details - Ho Chi Minh City
The School has been working with students since 2004, although it relocated in 2006. This school specializes in education services for the foreign community, running courses in TESOL/TEFL in addition to classes on speaking the Vietnamese language. The school chooses not to compete with local ESL providers, but works closely with them to arrange placements for graduates.
First week classes run from 9 AM to 5:45 PM Second through Fourth week classes run from 9AM to 4PM with two hour Teaching Practice in the late afternoon or evening.
Help for Jobs
Job placement activities begin on day one with a class that helps you with resume development and preparation so that the search for the best job for you is underway by the second week of class. Additional classes on the employment and legal system, how the education system works and what you need to do to get the job you want are also part of the course. In Southeast Asia, there is a shortage of trained and qualified teachers in every country, so the focus isn't just on getting 'A' job (which we guarantee) but on getting the job you want in the part of the country that you want to work in with a salary that guarantees you a comfortable life style.
How to Apply
1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure of your dates, please choose an approximate date for now - you will be able to specify later.
2. Register your details with Cactus TEFL (1 minute) to help us track your application.
3. Download the application form and save it on your computer.
4. Complete it offline in your own time
5. Go back to www.cactustefl.com, sign in and submit your completed form.
You can also submit an application by email. We will explain how to do this on the application form. Please contact us if you have any problems with the application procedure.
Prices and Dates