4-week TEFL Course Johannesburg, South Africa
Cambridge CELTA
Course Details
Course ref. |
1461 |
Course Type |
4-week TEFL Course or equivalent |
Min Age |
20 |
Maximum Class Size |
15 |
Exam Board Fee Included |
Course Description
Please note: There is a TEFL Glossary at the end of this course profile, explaining the abundant acronyms!
This is the course on offer in Johannesburg and it is the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults). The reference to Cambridge is due to the fact that it is assessed by University of Cambridge ESOL (essentially the ‘exam board’). It is one of the leading qualifications in the TEFL industry, and the vast majority of those seeking a “TEFL course” finish by taking a Cambridge CELTA course.
Course Participants
These are designed for native and non-native speakers of English who have little or no experience of teaching. It is the most widely-recognised initial qualification in teaching English as a foreign / second language and is the minimum qualification required to work at a British Council accredited school in the U.K. and in many established schools overseas.
Cambridge CELTA - Summary Description
The syllabus and assessment criteria are laid down by Cambridge and based entirely on the needs of trainee participation. You are required to observe classes given by qualified and experienced teachers (usually daytime classes). Trainees will also spend time doing guided lesson planning, supervised teaching practice and feedback. You will also need to spend a significant amount of additional time on lesson preparation, written assignments, and course consolidation (outside class hours, and up to 3-4 hours per day). There may also be written assignments to be completed during the course.
Assessment is continuous and based on the trainee’s teaching practice, written assignments, and overall professional development.
Cambridge CELTA - Course Entry Requirements
- All applicants must have a very high level of both oral and written competence in English, being able to use the language in a way which is clear,
coherent, and essentially free of mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
- All applicants must have a bachelor’s degree, or at least qualifications which would enable him/her to enter University. For example, A-
- All applicants need to demonstrate an awareness of language
- All applicants must be at least 20 years old at the start of the course
If you are not sure of your eligibility, please contact us to discuss your circumstances.
Cambridge CELTA Course Contents (taken from University of Cambridge ESOL syllabus.
Certificate course programmes are designed by individual centres using the syllabus and course objectives. To meet the course requirements candidates are required to attend the whole course and to:
- Practise teach in a class of the relevant age group, for a total of six hours;
- Observe experienced teachers teaching classes for a total of eight hours
- Maintain and submit a portfolio of all course work including all written assignments and materials related to teaching practice
Specifically, the Certificate course programme is designed to enable candidates to:
1. Develop an awareness of language and a knowledge of the description of English and apply these in their professional practice;
2. Develop an initial understanding of the contexts within which adults learn
English, their motivations and the roles of the teacher and the learner;
3. Develop familiarity with the principles and practice of effective teaching to Adult learners of English;
4. Develop basic skills for teaching adults in the language classroom;
5. Develop familiarity with appropriate resources and materials for use with adult learners of English for teaching, testing and for reference.
Course programmes focus on:
1. Language Awareness
- basic concepts and terminology used in ELT for describing form and meaning in language and language use
- basic concepts and terminology used for describing language skills and sub-skills
- language description and syllabus design for the teaching of general English to adults
- the practical significance of similarities and differences between languages
- reference materials for language awareness
2. The Learner, the teacher and the teaching/learning context
- the adult learner’s educational background and traditions
- the context for learning and teaching English at adult level
- different motivations for learning English as an adult
- different learning and teaching styles at adult level
3. Planning for effective teaching of adult learners of English
- The principles of planning for effective teaching of adult learners of English
- The practical realities of planning for effective teaching of adult learners of English
- The selection and evaluation of appropriate materials and resources for specific lessons
- The selection and evaluation of appropriate exercise types and tasks for specific lessons
- The evaluation of lesson preparation
4. Classroom management and teaching skills for teaching English to adults
- the effective organisation of the classroom
- classroom presence and control
- teacher and learner language
- the use of teaching material and resources
- practical skills for teaching at a range of levels
- the monitoring and evaluation of adult learners
- the evaluation of classroom management and teaching skills
5. Resources and materials for teaching English to adults
- commercially produced resources and materials for teaching English to adults
- non published resources and materials for teaching English to adults
- the selection and evaluation of resources and materials for use in teaching and testing adult learners of English, and for reference
- the adaptation of resources and materials for specific groups of adult learners of English
6. Professional development for teachers of English to adults
- self assessment: understanding weaknesses and developing strengths
- working in context: preparing to become a teacher, colleague and employee
professional development: support systems, publication, and courses for teaching English to adults
On completion of the course
After the course, you will be equipped with the basics you require to enter the world of TEFL. You will be able to apply for work in a range of schools, colleges, private training organisations and on a host of volunteer programmes worldwide. TEFL - the job - is widely viewed a gap year option. It is important to point out that this qualification is also the basic pre-requisite for you to become a professional in the field of TEFL. It’s somewhat like a driving licence though, it’s hard to obtain, and yet you still need more practice when you’ve completed it. This is why we are wary of lesser qualifications, as we don’t think they give you enough input, practice and observation to make them worthwhile.
At some point during the course, you will be briefed on some of the options available to you. Cactus also has a number of links to key organisations. It is helpful if you already have a country in mind when you are thinking about finding your first TEFL job. A book we highly recommend is Susan Griffith’s Teaching English Abroad, which provides excellent information on all the key TEFL locations around the world, with details of levels of qualifications and experience required. If you have the time and the money, and you’ve researched your chosen country and precise location well, the easiest way of securing work will be to go there, and start meeting some people. Traditionally the best times are September/October and possibly January for “overseas markets” i.e. non-native speaker countries, and April/May/June in England, US, Canada, Australia etc. when there is a huge influx of international students.
What happens when I get back?
When you finish your period of work abroad, you may actually find that after a few weeks at home, you may just want to jet off somewhere else! Failing that, you may like to go back to a previous line of work. TEFL qualifications like the Cambridge CELTA are viewed by employers as a solid, useful qualification which has taught you a number of key transferable skills - such as presentation of verbal and visual information, heightened language awareness, creativity, flexibility, the ability to organise and motivate others, create working relationships and communicate efficiently with people of other nationalities and cultures, and through your own experience, hopefully new or improved language skills.
Application Procedure
To secure a place on a CELTA course, you need to complete an application form and attend an interview. Only at the end of the interview will you know (a) if you have been accepted on the course and (b) whether the course date you require is still available. At this point, you are free to choose whether or not you wish to go ahead and make a booking. With Cactus, you do not pay any money at the time of your application.
1. If you feel you have located your ideal course, you can Contact Cactus Teachers to chat through your plans, or simply...
2. Go back to the home page and click the Word icon next to your chosen course and download an application form.
3. "Save As" the application form to your PC and complete the form offline in your own time. For applications which ask you grammatical questions,
you may wish to refer to a text such a English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy.
4. Return the application form to [email protected] as an attachment. Cactus will check through your application for errors or omissions, and
fast-track it to the training centre.
5. You will be contacted by the centre directly who will inform you whether you have been accepted for interview (face-to-face or over the phone)
and if so, arrange a date.
6. Following the interview you will (hopefully) be offered a place and you’ll have a short time in which to accept. If you are not accepted, you
will usually be given a reason why, and it is possible to reapply with Cactus at a later date.
7. You decide when and whether you wish to go on the course.
8. Cactus establishes an on-line quote for you, including accommodation, transfers, and insurance if required.
9. You make your payment which confirms your place on the course.
10. You receive all your pre-course tasks & materials and keep in touch with Cactus for subsequent help and support.
TEFL Glossary
TEFL is the name that everyone recognises, and TEFL is very much in the public conscience now. Friends and family will frequently speak of someone doing a TEFL course, or doing TEFL abroad, or being interested in TEFL, and this term meets with widespread understanding.
But TEFL, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, is really just the name of the industry. Once you enter that industry, you’ll start to hear other terms such as TESOL, ELT, CELTA, ESOL, TESL, ESP, and these also need some explanation.
TESOL and ESOL can also be a reference to the industry - (Teaching) English to Speakers of Other Languages as can ELT, which is the more updated name for TEFL, Meaning simply, English Language Teaching. This is a preferred term, as it is more general, and removes the reference to the industry as being about teaching English as a Foreign language. TEFL is in such general usage, that we continue to refer to it.
Message from the school:
The course is extremely practical and we aim to provide you with a firm grounding in teaching skills and techniques. We also help you to develop your language awareness and your sensitivity to the difficulties experienced by the learner.
This 4-week full-time course is very intensive involving at least 120 contact hours. The group size is limited, which helps to create a friendly and personal atmosphere. Each day consists of a balance of methodology and language awareness sessions and teaching practice, which we organise with groups of local learners. Evaluation takes place on a continuous assessment basis, and although there are some written assignments, assessment is mainly based on teaching practice.
Please download an application form and this information about the course. Once you have completed it, please return it by email or fax. If your application is successful, we will need to arrange an interview. Providing your interview is successful, you will need to pay a deposit of 250 GBP and the balance payment will be due 4 weeks before the course commencement date.
Please note deposits and fees are not transferable or refundable.
Accommodation Options
Homestay accommodation in a furnished room can be arranged for you through the school. Cost for this is GBP 500.9 for the full four weeks. Included in the cost is breakfast and dinner from Monday to Friday and full-board on week-ends. Your washing and ironing will be done for you.
The students will stay reasonably close to the school and the host families are near to bus routes so the students can take a bus into school every day.
The students usually have a choice of staying with either a Christian or a Muslim family and the families will under most circumstances cater for any specific dietary requirements that the students may ask for.
School Details - Johannesburg
Johannesburg is a vibrant, bustling city that has its charms, its attractions. Johannesburg is in what is now called Gauteng. This is a Sotho word meaning Place of Gold, and is the new name for the region of Pretoria, Witwatersrand and the Vaal triangle, one of the southern hemisphere's largest industrial areas. Gold was accidentally found by an unemployed miner in 1886, when he found a stone with traces of gold. As always a shanty town quickly emerged, which was to become Johannesburg.
The school is located in central Johannesburg. There are 25 comfortable and well-equipped classrooms, two computer rooms with over 40 terminals,
free email and internet access throughout the day, wide range of computer software to practise your English and a listening lab for self-study listening activities.
There is also a cafeteria serving hot and cold food, a games room to relax, magazines, newspapers and reference books, a lending library, a quiet room for self-study and a wide variety of self-study materials for students with special needs.
The teachers, all of whom are well-qualified in line with all International House schools worldwide are committed, enthusiastic and motivated.
The school arranges accommodation for students with English speaking host families. These families are carefully selected to offer a friendly and welcoming environment where the students can practise their English in a relaxed and informal setting. Families are always conveniently situated close to public transport routes and will often provide the student with transport around town. The price includes two meals per day and all laundry facilities. Host family accommodation allows foreign students to experience local culture and immerse themselves in the South African way of life. It is an experience not to be missed!
How to Apply
1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now - you will be able to specify later.
2. Register your details with Cactus TEFL (1 minute) to help us track your application.
3. Download the application form and save it on your computer.
4. Complete it offline in your own time
5. Go back to www.cactustefl.com, sign in and submit your completed form.
You can also submit an application by email. We will explain how to do this on the application form. Please contact us if you have any problems with the application procedure.
Prices and Dates