Independent introduces Cactus TEFL - for TEFL teacher courses, training and jobs                       //   //          var adlSite = 'TheIndependent'; var adlZone = 'Life&St_MSB_T_0x0'; var adlKv = '[Article ID/Keyvalue here]'; var adlPro = window.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:'; document.write('<'+'sc'+'ript type= "text/javascript" src="'+adlPro+''+adlSite+'&z='+adlZone+'&d='+Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000000)+'"><\/'+'sc'+'ript>');     Skip to main content         Skip Links  Skip to navigation Skip to primary content Skip to secondary content Skip to tertiary content Skip to footer    Designed to improve your knowledge of the English language    Online TEFL Courses          Headlines  E-BREAK TIME Play the Independent crosswords online |           Click here...          Navigation  News  UK  Home News UK Politics Crime This Britain   World  Europe Americas Middle East Asia Africa Australasia World Politics Al Jazeera TV   Business  News Comment Analysis & Features Sharewatch SME   People  News Profiles Pandora Hit & Run    Science  Media  Opinion TV & Radio Press Online Advertising   Education  News Schools School Tables Further Higher    Obituaries   Corrections   Weather    Opinion   Environment   Sport   Life & Style   Arts & Entertainment   Travel   Money   IndyBest   Student    Offers  from The Independent & The Independent on Sunday       Home > Independent Online TEFL Courses 

        Online TEFL Courses You are not logged in. (Login)       Skip LoginLogin UsernamePassword Lost password? // The Independent Online TEFL Course  The Independent Online TEFL Course is made up of two distinct components – the English Language Awareness (ELA) Course and the English Language Methodology (ELM) Course. 

 Part 1 – English Language Awareness

 This part is designed to improve your knowledge of how English works, and takes you through all the different areas of the English language. 

 Part 2 – English Language Teaching Techniques (Methodology) 

 This component is intended to provide you with a thorough foundation in how to actually teach the English language to your students. 

 If you have any technical questions or problems to do with the course, or logging in, please email the technical team at

 Once you begin the course, you will find a 'help' function where you can contact your tutor directly if you need any support or advice. 

 We hope you enjoy your course! 

 Jenny Johnson

 Independent Online TEFL Course 

Available CoursesEnglish Language Awareness Course Teacher: John HughesTeacher: Jenny JohnsonThis course is for would-be TEFL teachers who are considering taking a TEFL course and want to improve their language awareness so they have a head start before their interview or their course.  English Language Methodology Teacher: John HughesTeacher: Jenny JohnsonWelcome to the Cactus TEFL online introductory course to English Language Methodology. This course is for people considering working as a teacher of English as a foreign language or for new and inexperienced teachers who would like to gain some background in methodology. The course is divided into five parts consisting of 30 lessons in total:

Part 1: Effective learning and teaching

Part 2: Defining and teaching language

Part 3: The needs of the learner

Part 4: Teaching the four skills

Part 5: Planning a lesson

 Demonstration Course  Welcome to a demonstration of IOTC!This site shows you some of what you can expect if you take the Independent Online TEFL Course. The page you are now looking at is similar to what will appear when you log in to IOTC. The real course includes text, video, audio, exercises, quizzes and access to a real tutor through the discussion forums. You can find out about all these features of IOTC by exploring this demo site.

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